Parent Corner

Parent Resources

School Closings

If we need to close Kiddie City due to weather, it will be sent via our Brightwheel app. We are not always closed if Euclid City Schools are closed, but will be closed or delayed if our staff cannot safely get to the center. Please be sure that you check your app regularly for important updates.

Payment Reminder

Self pay and weekly co-pay payments are due each Friday for the upcoming week on our Center Brightwheel app. Payments are considered late if they are not received by Monday. On Wednesday morning of each week late fees will be applied to any unpaid balances. If your account falls more than one payment behind your child will not be able to attend until the account is current and your child’s spot will not be guaranteed as we have a waiting list of children who need childcare. Please be sure to make timely payments, as we can continue to serve you and your child.

Teaching Strategies Gold (TSG)

To get updates on your child’s learning you can sign up for access to our Teaching Strategies Gold assessment system. An explanation of the system can be secured by talking to Dayna White. A form will be completed and turned in to your child’s teacher so that we can start sharing more information with you on your child’s learning.

Extra Clothes/Dress for the Weather

We will be going outside daily when the weather is Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather. Also please be sure your child has a weather appropriate change of clothes at the center that fits.

Field Trip Reminders

Please return all permission forms to your child’s teacher. Your child will not be able to go on any trips without permission forms signed and returned. For Preschoolers: ** NO FLIP FLOPS or SANDALS on Field Trips. **All children under 4yrs and 40lbs MUST have a car seat to go on the bus. **Walking trips are weather permitting. **We will leave promptly at the time listed. If you arrive late and miss the bus, you can meet us on location or keep your child with you until we return. There will not be a staff member at the center to leave your child with. They CANNOT go in the infant or toddler rooms.

Illness/Sick Policy

If your child is ill, please do not bring them to daycare. If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms they will be sent home from daycare and will not be able to return until they are symptom free for 24 hours or have a doctors note saying they are not contagious and can return to daycare. Vomiting more than once or in conjunction with another symptom, 3 diarrheas, temperature of 100 degrees with another symptom or a temperature of 101, severe coughing, difficult or rapid breathing, redness of the eyes, unusual rashes, sore throat or difficulty swallowing, evidence of lice, scabies, fleas or other parasitic infestations, yellow skin or eyes. This is state law and the policy must be followed for all children in the center. Please try to have a backup adult available that can watch your child if they cannot be in attendance. This policy is to try and keep all of the children as healthy as possible and to minimize the spread of childhood communicable diseases. We do as much as possible to sanitize toys and door handles daily and practice good hand washing with the children, etc.

Sign In/Out Reminder

Please make sure you sign your child in and out daily on the KinderSmart app.

Attendance/Food Service Reminders

Kiddie City is not a drop off babysitting service. At Kiddie City we strive to get all children ready for Kindergarten and beyond. Even in the infant classes we are planning lessons and activities to lay the foundation for your child’s future education. For your child to fully benefit from the program they need to be regular in attendance. Your child must arrive at Kiddie City by 9:00am so that they can fully benefit from the programing. If children are not here there is a chance that we may send staff members home. Breakfast is served until 8:45am in Baby 2 through Preschool. If you child arrives after 8:45am please be sure that they have already had breakfast. Please make sure you sign your child in and out daily.

*Beginning the Fall of 2020, parents enrolling children into the 2020-2021 program will be required to sign a COVID-19 Waiver.